
The Encyclopedia of Grey System Theory

Everything you need to know (about Grey Systems) at one place!

《 Grey Data 》
《 Grey Model 》
《 Grey System 》
《 Grey Number 》
《 Grey Forecasting 》
《 Grey Information 》
《 Grey Optimization 》
《 Grey Programming 》
《 Grey System Theory 》
《 Grey Decision Making 》
《 Grey Relational Analysis 》

❝ Come, thou gentle day!
For if but once thou show me thy grey light ❞ – Shakespeare


Grey system is a system whose information is partially available. For example, ‘economy’ is a grey system that’s why there are multiple perspectives to conceptualize and manage it. Other interesting examples of grey systems are new products (e.g., ChatGPT), or complex systems (e.g., human brain and behavior). If complete information is labelled ‘white’ and incomplete information is labelled ‘black’, then ‘grey’ implies partially complete and partially incomplete information. The theory of grey systems was proposed by Deng Julong in the 1980s, and is being further developed by Liu Sifeng, S. A. Javed and others since then. The theory has seen a lot of applications in real-life, e.g., its Grey Relational Analysis models are popular method of multiple criteria decision analysis and optimization, while its grey forecasting models are among the influential time series forecasting techniques for energy-related problems. This platform helps you understand and apply grey system theory and its models.

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